Teachers trainings “Using Discovery Trail platform for supporting students´understanding about biodiversity concept”
ining for teachers and in-formal education guides in Finland May 2024
Place and time: Helsinki, Finland 21st – 24th of May 2024
Aims: Informal learning, digital, outdoor education and professional development and pedagogical learning
More info: Professor Hannu Salmi: hannu.salmi@helsinki.fi, +358456155088
23.04. 16.00-17.00 EET Pre-training introductory meeting in Zoom
- AM: Info lecture: project presentation, informal education and biodiversity
– Discovery Trail-presentation: guidelines and examples
– Workshop: Testing and developing Discovery Trails with teacher students/teachers - PM: Workshop: Finnish ants biodiversity: Bug Academy (prof. Heikki Helanterä, University of Oulu)
– Excursion to Finnish arcipelago
- AM: School visits and testing the trails with students (participate to Finnish Kids Forest Trip Day).
- PM: Creating new trails with Avastusrada.
- AM: Excursio to Maretarium (Kotka), testing Avastusrada
- PM: Workshops with Avastusrada
24.05. 9am-15pm CLOSING SESSION
- AM: Discussion
Click here for print version of the schedule
Training for teachers and in-formal education guides in Athens Nov 2022-March 2023
Training offers teachers and non-formal education guides from Greece, Estonia, Finland and Austria to understand better possibilities of supporting their students´ learning process about different aspects of biodiversity. In the training the digital outdoor learning tool Discovery Trail is used to co-create trails about biodiversity that will be piloted with students to test their usability.
Participants: Teachers and non-formal education guides who are interested in implementing biodiversity topic better to their teaching process using Discovery Trail digital outdoor learning platform. Participants should have possibility to pilot created trails with the groups of students (9-13 years of age).
- November 1-14. Filling out the web-based pre-questionnaire for participants.
- November 15 (2022) 15.00-17.00 (EET). The first hybrid cooperation meeting with all project participants. Participants from every country will meet in their own group and the groups will be connected via Zoom. Topics: getting to know participants, overview of the project, discovery trail application.
- Interim task: answering questions related to the process of preparing Discovery Trail.
- January 26 (2023) 15.00-17.00 (EET). Second hybrid cooperation meeting with all project participants. Participants from every country will meet in their own group and the groups will be connected via Zoom. Topics: discussions about interim task, creating effective trails, questions that support deeper learning process.
- Interim task: preparing questions for sample Discovery Trail.
- March 6-10 (2023). Training week in Athens. Topics: understanding better biodiversity, effective learning process using Discovery Trail platform, discussions related to further piloting phase with students.
- March 2023-May 2023. Piloting the created trails with a group of students (if possible aged 9-13 years). Each participant should have the opportunity to test the trails with 30-35 students in their area. In addition to testing the trails, participating students would complete a short pre- and post-survey.
- June 2023. Filling out the web-based pre-questionnaire for participants.
The training is supported by the Erasmus + project. Transport and accommodation are organized by the project. Unfortunately, the Erasmus + project does not cover daily living costs during the training, which can be requested from your center/school if possible.